Yes, Sony Killed the DSLR

Nikon D3400 Autofocus – How to Use the Autofocus Options on the Nikon D3400 DSLR Camera

Focusing quickly and accurately is very important for your photography. The Nikon D3400 Autofocus is quicker and more accurate than manual focus. There are different functions for different situations. This article explains the options and how to use them.

The Advantages of Film Cameras in a Digital Age

Digital cameras have been developing day by day since their invention. The advent of digital photography has almost replaced the conventional film photography in the consumer market. The production of new film cameras has come down considerably. While digital cameras offer a lot of benefits, there still are some advantages of using film cameras. Read on to know more.

Feed Your Interest To Gain Photography Knowledge With These Courses

Previously photos were taken just to remember that moment but now photos are taken so beautifully that you can relive that moment through those photos. Moreover, photography is not limited to events anymore rather there are various types of photography now a day. Even the competition has increased in this field.

The Nikon D3400 Picture Controls and Effects – How to Use Them on the Nikon D3400 DSLR Camera

Both Picture Controls and Effects on the Nikon D3400 can have quite an interesting effect on the quality of your exposures in terms of Stills, and many of the Effects and Picture Controls operate also in video, so it is worth taking a good look at them. They offer a quick way to change the style or feel of your work, without you having to change your lighting conditions.

The Nikon D3400 Mode Dial – What It Is for and How to Use It

The Nikon D3400 Mode Dial is really important because, by selecting the option on here, you tell the camera the sort of picture either that you want to take or you tell the camera the circumstances in which you are taking the picture. From that information, the camera then decides the optimal preset – the parameters – so that it takes the best picture with the very best exposure.